100 Workouts (or whatever): The life-changing magic of committing to something 100 times
What if you committed to 100 workouts? Or 100 anything? Would you become stronger, leaner, more fit? Become a better partner, earn more money, or no longer scare small children when you drag out the guitar? I believe the answer is yes. And the secret is committing to doing something - anything - 100 times. I’ll share some tips and strategies and a free downloadable PDF to track your 100 times!
100 Workouts (or whatever): The life changing magic of committing to something 100 times.
I recently started doing Beachbody’s workout program Morning Meltdown 100 and had a revelation. One of the focuses of the Morning Meltdown Program lies in the number “100.” You commit to doing all 100 workouts.
I started thinking about committing to 100 workouts. I exercise nearly every day so I’ve definitely hit that number before. But I’ve never tracked the number. Would my commitment to, say, this particular program, be stronger if I committed to 100?
Then I started thinking of other things in my life… what if I committed to doing something really important to me 100 times?
Would 100 date nights revitalize my marriage? Would practicing guitar 100 times finally make me a decent player? Would writing 100 blog posts make me a better writer?
I’m positive the answer is YES.
So grab a coffee and come along with me as I explore the concept of doing something - workouts, making healthy meals, or doing anything 100 times might change your life.
I also have a free printable “100 Times Tracker” you can download and print!
In this post I’ll share:
How committing to 100 times is a simple way to track any goal or project.
How committing to 100 times forces you to be super picky about the goals or projects you begin.
How committing to 100 times gives you a bad ass attitude.
Step-by-step process to commit to your 100 times.
A ton of ideas you can commit to 100 times.
Don’t forget to download your free 100 Things Tracker.
Committing to 100 times is a simple way to track any goal or project.
Tracking 100 Times can be used for almost any goal or project.
I love how this concept works for more than just exercise. Want to declutter your home? Think of the progress you’ll make when you toss 100 things.
Do you have a side hustle? Would posting about your business on Instagram 100 time help you connect with more potential customers?
Want to start meditating? What if you commit to meditating 100 times? Would you feel more calm and better able to cope with life?
Committing to 100 times of something works for fitness, self care, work goals, parenting, reading books, traveling, Netflix marathons. Anything.
Your 100 times “thing” is actually an action step leading to a goal.
With exercise, 100 workouts will make you stronger, leaner, more fit. With blogging, 100 posts makes you (crosses fingers!) a better writer. With relationships, 100 date nights builds a stronger connection.
The 100 times thing you choose is not the end result… it leads to a goal or dream you’re passionate about.
Tracking your 100 times is as simple as a child’s sticker chart.
The Morning Meltdown 100 program has a tracker - similar to the free one you can download HERE. It’s just like the sticker charts we had back in preschool, or a chore charts for your kiddos.
Do THE THING, then cross it off. Heck, you can even give yourself a gold star if you want.
Make your own chart, track it in your planner (I use this one), or use my free printable.
Tracking your progress to 100 times creates momentum.
Tracking my workouts on a simple chart like this helps me see how much I’ve accomplished and how close I am to the finish line. It also creates momentum when I see the numbers being crossed off.
Just like with 4-year-olds who want to fill in their sticker charts, grown-ups want to do the same! Each square is one step closer to your goal.
Committing to 100 times forces you to be super picky about the goals or projects you begin.
Will you actually do this “thing” 100 times?
When I committed to Beachbody’s Morning Meltdown 100 program I didn’t do so lightly. 100 workouts is a lot, and I get bored easily! 100 workouts, if you do them on consecutive days, is over 14 weeks. Since I’m going to combine MM100 with things like walking and PiYo, it will be closer to 25 weeks for me to finish!
Is that bad? Nope.
But it is a lot of time.
When you have a brilliant idea, like doing a new workout program, or taking up a new hobby, you get to decide if your goal or project is “100 times-worthy.”
Do you want to spend money on supplies and books and lessons to learn a new instrument if you’re not willing to commit to practicing 100 times?
Do you want to buy an Instant Pot if you don’t think you’ll use it 100 times?
Asking yourself “am I willing to do this 100 times?” will weed out the crap you’re not passionate about.
Committing to 100 times means less space in your life for other things.
Going back to my Morning Meltdown example, I wanted to be really, really sure before I said “yes” to this program.
Committing to these 100 workouts, means I will say “no” to other workouts,. Or maybe saying “no” to sitting on the couch, or scrolling Twitter, dammit.
The same concept applies to any goal, like journaling for 100 days or preparing 100 healthy dinners.
Committing to 100 forces you to get really clear on your priorities and filter out the things that don’t really matter.
Committing to 100 gives you a “no matter what” attitude.
It’s easier to stick with something you’ve committed to doing 100 times.
When you commit to doing 100 workouts or anything 100 times, it gives you an entirely different mindset than, say “I’m gonna start going to the gym.”
Nope. You’re not going to just go to the gym; instead you made yourself a long term commitment.
That’s a very good thing. Your commitment gives you resolve.
Last year I invested in a 12 week keto coaching program. I knew it could change my life. I also knew that I get excited about doing things and then life happens and so does my resolve to finish.
So I committed to doing all 12 weeks of the program. No Ifs, ands, or buts.
Not only eating keto for 12 weeks, but watching all the videos, reading the materials, and listening to the coaching calls.
I went all in on keto.
And you know what?
I didn’t quit. I finished that course. I ate keto for 12 solid weeks and it changed my life. (You can read about my experience HERE.)
Committing to 10 workouts is easy. Committing to 100 is not. But the bigger the number, the bigger the resolve.
You’ll find that…
You will be a stronger, more confident person. And learn tons of cool shit about yourself.
You will learn from your mistakes and tough times.
When you go all in on exercise or keto or decluttering your home, there are going to be times you just don’t want to do the “thing.” This is actually good news!
You’ll learn the excuses your brain comes up with to keep you on the couch. You’ll learn to overcome those excuses because you’ve committed to doing the thing 100 times.
Maybe you won’t do it today, or even tomorrow. But you will do it again, because you’re not a quitter this time.
You’ll try, you’ll fail, but you will persevere.
Mistakes are the best teacher.
You will become stronger mentally.
Doing the thing, when it’s hard and you don’t feel like it, will teach you so many lessons.
You won’t always be perfect. You’ll skip workouts, you’ll eat the tortilla chips and cookies sometimes, but if you stick through 100 times of your commitment you will get better about saying “yes” to your big goals. Yes to the things that make you happy and fulfilled. Yes to the hard things that make you a better person.
Sticking to your 100 times makes you stronger in many ways. If you quit too soon you’ll never know the person you might have become.
How to commit to 100 times:
This blog is all about planning a healthy life, so I have to share how to make it simple, right? Just follow these steps:
Choose your 100 times goal. Really think about what will make you happy or what will make an impact in your life. I’ll share lots of suggestions below if you need some inspiration.
Visualize your end result. How will your life be different when you do your thing 100 times? Will you be more fit? Healthier? Have more money, better friendships? Bonus points for writing down how you want to feel when you accomplish your 100 times.
Plan to make it happen. Your plan starts with downloading the 100 Times Tracker so you can track your goal. But schedule time to do the thing on your calendar too.
Set a reward. Anything worth doing 100 times deserves a reward, right? You’ll definitely have rewards naturally occurring as part of your 100 times commitment, like a healthier body, or perseverance, or pride in a job well done. But don’t hesitate to plan something fun for yourself for completing your 100 times.
Track your progress. Download the free printable and then check off a box every time you do the thing!
Bonus tips for doing your 100 times:
If you struggle with your commitment, grab your journal and write about it. What advice would you give your BFF? We have so much internal wisdom… ask yourself tough questions and then answer them on paper. I like to envision my future self … the me who has already accomplished this goal. What advice would she tell me??
You don’t have to do your “thing” 100 times in a row. You get to make your own rules. Maybe you want your 100 workouts to be every single day for 3+ months. Or maybe you want to exercise three times a week. The important thing is committing to 100 times. The timetable is flexible.
100 times ideas:
The best way to come up with ideas is to think about something you want in life (to lose weight, to be more fit, to have quality relationships) and then break those goals down into action steps. Those action steps are your 100 times ideas! Here are a few to get you thinking:
trying new healthy recipes
drinking a green smoothie
meditation (I use the free Calm app)
lunch or coffee with a friend
writing a blog post
following a diet (keto is my (low carb) jam)
using the clothes in your closet to create 100 unique outfits
run 100 5k races
read for 30 minutes
or read 100 books
eat mindfully (read about it HERE)
100 Instant Pot meals
daily planning
donate time or money to a worthy cause
volunteer at a soup kitchen or children’s hospital
write 3 things you’re grateful for
phone a friend (or relative)
do 10 push-ups, or squats, daily
read something inspirational for 10 minutes
workouts (duh)
no nighttime snacking
daily walks
date night
take vitamins or supplements (collagen is one of my faves and you can read about it here!)
posting on Instagram
decluttering items from your home
visit 100 interesting places
call your mom!
make 100 sales calls
get 8 hours of sleep for 100 days
100 slow cooker meals
yoga or stretching
drink kombucha
wear sunscreen (then keep it up after your 100 times)
TV and Netflix-free day
social media-free day
watch a funny video
smile at someone you don’t know
do that one chore you hate (for me it’s mopping the kitchen floor!)
I believe there is incredible power in committing to 100 times. There’s only one way for you to find out, though, commit to something! Be sure to download the free tracker and get started. Wishing you luck and amazing results!!
Don’t forget to PIN this post so you can find this post in the future!
Are you a busy lady (like me) who really, really wants to live a healthy life? I get it because I’m obsessed with living my best life too. Here you’ll find simple ideas and strategies to plan a healthy and happy life.
I’m Jacqui, by the way, and I’m the crazy busy lady behind Plan A Healthy Life.
Free printable fitness calendar
Track goals and workouts for an entire month!
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Free printable keto meal planner
Get organized while getting healthy, with printable blank meal planner, shopping list, list of keto-friendly foods, tips, and more!