30 Reasons Busy Moms Need Beachbody on Demand All Access
beachbody on demand all access
If you're a busy mom like me, it's easy to fall off the ol' workout wagon. "I don't have time," "I can't afford a gym membership," "I can't find a workout program I like," "I don't have Lululemon leggings." We've all used these excuses, right?
What if you could totally obliterate the time excuse? The money excuse? And the boredom excuse? (I can't help you with the Lululemon excuses.... my leggings come from Athleta.)
But seriously, I discovered a way to get fit in the privacy of my own home, on my own time, and I'm saving a ton of money. How?
It's called Beachbody on Demand All Access Pass.
In a nutshell, Beachbody on Demand is a super affordable one-year subscription that allows you to digitally stream every single Beachbody program. You know, workouts like 21 Day Fix, PiYo, and Core de Force. You can stream all the current workouts PLUS any new programs released during your subscription period.
Streaming (for non-tech-savvy people like me), means you can play the workouts on your phone, tablet or computer. Or you can send them to your smart TV or apple TV and watch on a big screen!
I was excited to share my top 5 reasons why Beachbody on Demand was the best fit for fit-minded busy moms, but my list kept growing. (Kind of like my waistline during the holidays, but that's a subject for another post.) I now have 30 reasons why smart, busy moms of all ages, sizes and fitness levels need Beachbody on Demand.
Why Beachbody on Demand All Access is the best fitness solution for busy moms (and busy people in general).
1 - You can exercise in the comfort of your own home.
Lift weights in the living room, do a bootcamp workout in your bedroom, do yoga in the den. All you need is a few square feet of space to exercise. No more slapping on waterproof mascara and eyeliner for a class at the gym because you never know who you might run into. (Or maybe that's just me, lol). You can be a natural beauty at home.
2 - Beachbody on Demand All Access saves you a ton of time.
No commute to the gym and zero time spent waiting to use the equipment or for your bootcamp class to start.
3 - Exercise on your own schedule.
Early bird? Workout at 5am. (I won't be joining you.) Prefer evening workouts? That's cool too. And you can mix it up every single day to suit your schedule.
4 - Exercise in your undies!
I'll be honest, if I am meeting friends to walk or run I will make sure my workout outfit looks put together. So no VPL, no holes in my capris, and my tank top and sports bra are color-coordinated. (When I was a new mom I would add "no spit up stains" to the list but thankfully those days are over.) Working out at home with BOD I can literally roll out of bed and workout in my jammies. Or in my undies (if no kids are around), or a hideous outfit I would never wear in public.
beachbody on demand all access
5 - Beachbody on Demand saves a ton of money.
This has to be high on the list because Beachbody on Demand All Access is literally the best value I have found, other than slapping on a pair of running shoes and heading out the door. For $0.27 per day (that's only $1.92 per week) you have access to over 600 unique workouts, plus nutrition guides and meal plans and a clean eating cooking show. In comparison, a Zumba class averages $5-10 per class. For $10 I have five whole weeks of BOD.
And compared to a gym membership? BOD is a crazy great deal. One rec center near my home in Kansas City charges a $125 initiation fee plus $39 every single month. That's $593 per year for one person. Contrast that with a $100 BOD annual membership. You would save almost $500 a year.
6 - You get a long-term commitment mentality (aka real lifestyle change).
One of Beachbody's most popular programs is the 21 Day Fix. And lots of ladies commit to that program.... for 21 days. I don't know about you, but I need to workout all year 'round. By purchasing the annual BOD membership I am investing in my health for an entire year. It changes my mindset from a "30 day challenge" or short-term diet mentality, to a fit-for-life outlook.
7 - You don't need childcare.
When my oldest son was little I had to drag him with me to my gym's child care center. He was pretty dramatic as a toddler and I always felt like the worst mom in the world when he cried and carried on after I left. All because I wanted just one hour to myself to exercise. In retrospect I didn't know how blessed I was. Lots of facilities don't even have child care. So if you have young kids you either have to coordinate with your partner or find a babysitter just to attend a Turbo Kick class. With a BOD subscription, you can exercise during naptime or while your kids are playing.
8 - The whole family can use your BOD membership... on their own time.
My husband gets up at 4:00am to exercise. Yes, he's insane. With Beachbody on Demand, he can do T25 at that ungodly hour while the rest of the house is sleeping. I prefer to workout in the afternoon so that's totally cool. My high school son can lift weights with Body Beast in the evening.
One membership covers the entire family, on your own schedules. (Compare that to the gym membership I quoted earlier which was for ONE person.)
9 - BOD eliminates boredom - you have tons of variety.
I'll confess, I have exercise ADD. I like to try lots of different workouts and I usually pick one according to my mood each day. With BOD I can go hard with Insanity Max:30 for a killer cardio workout. Or, on the days when I'm tired and gloomy, I'll pick Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs - guaranteed to bring a smile to my face. With over 600 unique workouts, you can do a different workout every single day for a year and never repeat!
10 - You can follow a structured program - if you want to.
Some people like to do a program as written, say 21 Day Fix, for example. With Beachbody on Demand All Access you have every single workout, even the deluxe ones, plus the official workout calendar, designed by professionals, telling you exactly what workout to do on what day, and when to rest. So you have the benefit of a program written by a professional to get you maximum results.
You also get a unique nutrition plan designed for to get you the results you're looking for, whether weight loss, toning, or straight up muscle building.
11 - You have the flexibility to create your own hybrid program.
As I mentioned, I like to mix things up. I can create my own program incorporating strength, cardio and stretching. Choose the types of workouts YOU want by sorting BOD workouts according to type and fitness level and trainer to create your own fitness calendar.
12 - Access to every single Beachbody program released in the past, plus any programs released during your membership period!
As a coach, I have always purchased the newest Beachbody programs so I can try them myself, review them, and possibly recommend them to my clients. Even with my 25% coach discount (and you can get it here) I spent $$ with each new release. With the All Access membership, you and I will have immediate access to all new programs - at no extra cost.
13 - Your nutrition is covered too.
You've heard it before.... the majority of your results come from your nutrition. But what the heck do you eat?
With BOD you have access to meal plans and recipes designed to complement every single Beachbody program. Review the recipes online or download and print.
autumn fixate
14 - You have access to a clean eating cooking show and delicious recipes!
Fixate is a Beachbody exclusive cooking show hosted by trainer Autumn Calabrese and her chef brother, Bobby. Not only can you see recipes demonstrated step-by-step, but you can download and print the recipes AND shopping lists.
15 - New to meal planning and prep?
BOD offers foundational videos that discuss portion control meal plans, how to makeover your pantry, and how to meal prep. (You can find these videos with the Fixate cooking show.)
16 - Your Beachbody on Demand All Access membership comes with a real, live (free) coach!
When you make your first Beachbody purchase you are automatically assigned to a coach (whether you know it or not). Coaches are people, just like you, on their fitness journey but, as coaches, we use our experience to give support and encouragement to our customers. The main way we support people is in online challenge/accountability groups.
If I am your coach, you have access to me and my groups! If not, you can reach out to your coach to see what she offers, or you can always switch over to my team of fit peeps. Find out how to make me your coach here.
17 - You have access to online accountability groups and a fit family to support you.
I run online challenge groups every single month and if I am your coach you have access to those as well! So you have not only me supporting you daily, but a group of like-minded ladies who are also working to be the healthiest version of themselves as possible.
18 - BOD has something for all fitness levels.
Beginner? BOD has you covered. Advanced? Same. And all levels in between. And what is cool is that as you progress, you don't need to invest in a new program. They are already included in your All Access subscription. Have an injury or "fitness vacation"? You can drop back down to beginner level.
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19 - BOD is for all ages.
Whether you're a new mom trying to get her pre-baby body back, a mom of elementary kids desperately hoping for enough energy to keep up with them, a mom of college kids trying to fight the middle-aged spread, there are programs for you.
20 - No equipment necessary (for many programs).
Many programs don't require any equipment which is perfect for small spaces or limited budgets.
Or, if you're like me and own dumbbells, resistance bands and other goodies, you can choose programs that use those, like Body Beast, Hammer & Chisel & 21 Day Fix Extreme.
21 - Newbie or need to stay low impact? Almost every single program has a modifier to show you how to make the moves less intense.
Modifiers are great when starting out, if you have any knee issues (like me!) or if you just prefer to tone things down. Just a note, you can still get a great workout following the modifier.
22- Working out is fun!
I almost forgot this one, but it's super important. Exercise should be enjoyable. When I'm cranky, these workouts are guaranteed to make me smile.... Shaun T Hip Hop Abs or Rockin' Body, anything by Chalene Johnson or, if you have a goofy sense of humor, programs by Tony Horton.
23 - Stream workouts on your phone, tablet, computer or smart TV, Apple tv, etc.
With your subscription to Beachbody on Demand All Access you can watch on a small or large screen. I stream to my big TV, but on-the-go I can exercise with just my phone.
I am technologically challenged so I cannot help streaming, but Beachbody has a great How to Stream Workouts to a TV Help Guide.
beachbody on demand autumn calabrese
24 - BOD is portable.
Literally take your workouts on the road with you. When traveling you don't need to book a hotel with a fitness center. If you have your phone you have access to all the workouts. Try packing your gym membership in a suitcase!
25 - BOD is an excuse buster.
Need short workouts? Check. Don't have equipment? No problem. Missing those Lululemon leggings I talked about? Not an issue. Beachbody on Demand literally can bust through almost any excuse you can find. And while making excuses can be a great stall tactic, you don't get results sitting on the couch.
26 - You can sort the workouts by time, type and trainer.
Need a quickie workout on a busy day? Click on the "less than 30 minutes" button and find all the super speedy workouts. Love Shaun T? (Me too!) Sort by trainer to find all of his programs. You can also sort by fitness level, dance, low impact, yoga, cardo and muscle building. This helps you find the perfect workout to suit your mood.
27 - Program Match feature helps you pick the program best for you.
This is a brand new feature ... an online quiz to recommend programs that are a good fit for you based on your goals (weight loss, building muscle, endurance), the types of workouts you like, how much time you have to devote to exercise and your fitness level.
Maybe you're trying to lose weight (like I am at the moment, dammit). Or maybe you're a runner and want to cross-train. Maybe you want to build muscle to get those toned arms and shoulders that look amazing in tank tops. Or maybe you're over 40 and want to keep your flexibility with yoga. There are workouts for you.
28 - BOD is incredibly effective.
Excuses are the number one reason we don't meet our goals. Beachbody on Demand All Access busts those excuses and gives you access to world class trainers, proven programs, nutritional guidance. It covers all the bases. Follow your program and your nutrition plan and you will see the changes you are looking for.
29- If you are self conscious or shy about working out in public, BOD is for you.
Working out at home is great for those of us who don't like to look icky and sweaty in front of others! Maybe that's just me. And it's perfect if you don't want to look like an idiot while you're figuring out how to use the weight machines.
beachbody on demand all access
30 - Beachbody on Demand All Access gives you one less thing to worry about.
I spent a lot of time and emotional energy trying to find the perfect fitness program when I was overweight. Then I would obsess about how to mix things up if I hit a plateau. And then there was always the tricky issue of what to eat, how to stay motivated.
Beachbody on Demand All Access is the complete package for getting fit and reaching your ideal weight. It gives you tons of choices, but it also gives you structure if you want to follow one program. It has tools to help you pick the right program for your goals and fitness level and it has your nutrition covered with nutrition guides, meal plans and even a clean eating cooking show to keep things fresh! (Your family will thank you when delicious food appears on the table, and you will be happy you are feeding them nutritious eats.)
The cool thing about Beachbody on Demand All Access is that there is something for EVERYONE. I love lots of the Beachbody programs but, until now, there hasn't been one perfect solution for everybody. There is so much variety in BOD that I feel really good about recommending it over a single program. I love how it has helped me work on my goals and I'd love for you to consider BOD if you are trying to make fitness and good health a priority in your life.
If you want to check it out, just click here: Beachbody On Demand All Access. And don't forget to download your free Getting Started Guide!