A 6-Step Morning Routine to Feel Energized and Motivated

Feeling sluggish, unmotivated, and ready to smash the snooze button and pull the covers over your head when you wake up?

That's how I used to feel and decided I wanted to change up my mornings to channel my inner, energetic Tigger, and banish the grumpy ol' Eeyore I usually feel like in the mornings.

I started doing a simple 6-step morning routine that takes less than 20 minutes and is designed to help you feel energized, motivated, and ready to tackle the day. The steps in this morning routine are not random. Each step is designed to cue your senses to wake up and get energized.

woman waking up

Warning: Practice these 6 steps and you might just feel like a morning person or experience an unexpected boost of positivity in the AM!

I'll share the 6 simple morning routine steps, exactly WHY you should do each one, and I have a free printable you can download and use to remind you of your morning routine.

Let's get started!

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6-Step Morning Routine to Feel Energized and Motivated

phone in bed

1 - Put on a favorite playlist when you first wake up.

Playing music first thing in the morning will help you set the tone for the day. I like to start my morning playlist before I even get out of bed. Music will boost your mood and make you feel more energized. Music may also help you clear your mind and get your creative juices flowing.

Studies have shown that listening to music can have a positive effect on your mental and emotional health. It can help reduce stress and anxiety and even encourage positive thinking. Source.

So, playing music first thing in the morning can be a great way to start your day off on the right foot!


2 - Open your curtains or blinds (and open a window, if possible).

Opening the blinds or curtains first thing in the morning may help you feel better because natural light is a proven mood booster.

Natural light helps to regulate the hormones in your body that affect your mood, such as serotonin and melatonin.

In addition, natural light helps you to feel more alert and awake, so you can start your day feeling energized and positive.

Lastly, being exposed to natural light also helps to regulate your circadian rhythm, which helps regulate your sleep/wake cycle.

Opening a window, even just a little if it's cold outside, lets in the fresh air and natural light, both of which can help you feel more alert and energized.

Fresh air helps to oxygenate your blood, which gives you a boost of energy. Breathing fresh air also gives you a sense of connection to the outside world, which can be energizing.

For dark, dreary winter days I use a HappyLight for about 30 minutes in the morning while I journal and plan my day. It’s a light therapy lamp that provides healthy, natural light and can keep the winter blues at bay. (Check out the HappyLight on Amazon.)


RELATED: Help, my life is boring! How doing new things every week will change your life.


3 - Light a scented candle.

Lighting a scented candle in the morning is a great way to help you feel more awake and energized. The scent of a candle will stimulate your senses and awaken your body. A yummy-smelling candle is a fun way to ease any morning grogginess and prepare your mind and body for the day ahead.

Additionally, the pleasant scent of the candle can help to create a positive and calming atmosphere which may improve your overall mood and energy levels.

Choose a scented candle that is pleasing to you. I love Bath & Body Works 3-wick candles, particularly fruity Champagne Toast, Pineapple Mango, and Cinnamon Caramel Swirl.

You can also choose a candle with essential oils.  Aromatherapy candles are often used to improve mood, reduce stress, and create a calming atmosphere. The essential oils contained in the candles disperse into the air when the candle is lit, releasing aromatic compounds that are thought to have therapeutic effects.


4 - Speak a motivating mantra out loud.

Speaking a mantra in the morning helps to create a positive mindset. Mantras provide a source of motivation and focus, and can help to bring about a sense of peace and clarity.

When you speak a mantra out loud, it has the power to increase your focus and concentration, as well as bring a sense of calm, peace, and relaxation to your mind and body.

Also, mantras may help to create an atmosphere of calm, which helps reduce anxiety and stress, making it easier to approach the day with a more positive attitude.

How to create your own mantra.

Creating a mantra doesn't have to be complicated. Just start by reflecting on what kind of day you want to have.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • What do I want to accomplish today?

  • What kind of attitude do I want to have?

  • What kind of energy do I want to bring to my day?

Once you have some ideas in mind, choose a simple phrase that embodies those ideas.

For example, if you want to stay focused on your goals, your mantra could be: “I am capable and I will stay focused.”

If you want to stay positive, your mantra could be: “I am resilient and I will stay positive.”

Choose a mantra that works for you and repeat it to yourself throughout the day to stay on track.


5 - Stretch, or do gentle movement, for 10 minutes.

10 minutes of physical activity or stretching in the morning (or even 5 minutes if it's a busy day!) can help you to have a better day in many ways.

  1. Gentle movement helps wake up your body and mind, improving your energy level and alertness for the day ahead.

  2. A quick walk, a few yoga poses, or dancing to your morning playlist will help to start your day with a positive mindset. Endorphins are released during exercise, leading to improved mood and feelings of happiness.

  3. Physical activity and stretching reduce stress and tension, allowing you to stay focused and productive.

  4. Being active, especially first thing in the morning may improve your overall physical health and well-being, leading to a more positive outlook on life.

I don't count my morning activity as my official workout. It's just to awaken my senses, stretch my body, loosen my joints, and help me wake up. Sometimes I'll stretch in bed. Often I'll do a few yoga poses on the floor of my bedroom or bust out some push-ups or wall squats.

And definitely, I'll take the dog for a quick walk outside or play fetch with him inside on icky days. This makes for a better day for both of us!


6 - Drink a glass of water and take your vitamins and/or supplements.

Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning rehydrates your body after a long night of sleep. Your body becomes dehydrated overnight, so drinking a glass of water helps replenish lost fluids.

Hydration is essential for energy levels and helps increase alertness and focus. Additionally, drinking water in the morning flushes toxins from the body, which leaves you feeling energized and more alert.

I always take my vitamins and supplements while sipping my morning glass of water. It ties the two good habits together which is a healthy win-win!


Download this printable morning routine or save the photo to your camera roll.

Following this simple 6-step morning routine may help you feel more awake, motivated, and ready to take on the day. Each step is designed to awaken your senses and increase your energy levels in the morning and throughout the day.

Be sure to download the printable or save the image to your phone's camera roll as a reminder of this healthy morning routine.

Have a great day!

--Jacqui @ PlanAHealthyLife

Lifestyle, FreebiesJacqui