Must Have for Runners: Printable Race Results Tracker!


I love setting goals (and achieving them)!  Are you a stats junkie like me?  Do you like to record your pace, finish time, and age group ranking for your races?  If so, you'll love this printable Race Results Tracker!

Even if you just run for fun, it's encouraging to track your progress with each 5k, 10k, half or full marathon you run.  And walkers, this applies to you too!

The spring race season will be starting soon, so it's a perfect time to get started recording your races.  Or, if you are anal detail-oriented like I am, you can fill in the Race Results tracker with past results.

And in case there was any doubt, just COMPLETING a race is a great accomplishment and makes you a success in my book!  Be proud and thankful that you are an athlete!

Let me know how you like this Race Results form.  Feel free to share it with your running and walking friends!

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Linked to on A Bowl Full of Lemons.