Cut Your Sugar Cravings in 4 Easy Steps


Today I'll let a little graphic speak for me.  This is day 11 of my No Sugar January.  Honestly I haven't had any unmanageable cravings for cookies, candies, ice cream and the like.  Yay!  From experience I know this is temporary - I have no doubt  I will be tempted in the future! I spent a little time thinking about WHY I have been successful so far and I believe the keys, for me, are:

Don't Diet  

I'm not splurging or eating everything in sight, but I'm also not counting calories or restricting my food choices or amounts in any way, except for sugar.

Eat Sweets  

I am not fighting my sweet tooth!  That is a battle I will not win.  Rather, when I have the urge for something sweet, I enjoy an apple, a handful of dates or a square of super dark chocolate.  No deprivation here.


 I choose to be positive during my personal No Sugar January challenge.  I keep the benefits in the front of my mind and remind myself that this dietary change is one I choose for good health.

Nurture Yourself

I really believe that one of the keys to losing weight and keeping it off is to fill my days with activities I enjoy.  I fully realize that after work and family obligations and other commitments there may not be much time left.  However, I do strive to make time for myself and to have a little fun in life too.  Fill your free time with books, music, crafts, friends, learning new skills, WHATEVER it is that nurtures your spirit.

Next up, how to create a Vision Board using the awesome free PicMonkey software.  A Vision Board will keep your goals in front of you and your motivation high!   

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