Weekly Meal Plan and Workout Schedule - 11-30-15

meal plan 11-30 Once upon a time, when I started my original blog, I Will Run For Chocolate, I posted my weekly meal plan, workout schedule (which was mostly running at that time) and other random personal notes and tidbits for accountability.

Life happened, as it always does, and I got away from doing a personal check in.  I post in all my challenge groups for accountability, but I don't share with the big 'ol world.

This will change.


Because of a conversation that happened in my Healthy Holiday Facebook group today.  Being just a few days after Thanksgiving, I posted my 3 day "oh crap I've gotten off track" diet plan for my group members.  One lady in the group wrote, "I was just about to look for this.  How did you know this is what I needed?"

I'm not a mind reader.  I shared the 3 day detox because I need it.  It's because I have not been "cured" of wanting to eat massive quantities of food.  It is because I am still in the trenches with y'all.

I understand the struggle. #TheStruggleIsReal

My challengers get to hear my ups and downs, but you, dear reader, don't.  So I promise to try to post a weekly meal plan, workout schedule and update.  For my own accountability and to show you that you can mess up countless times, yet get back on the wagon and still meet your goals.

Enough chit chat, let's talk food...

Meal Plan - Week of November 30

I've been meal planning for years and I've tried all different methods.  It's pretty automatic for me, so often I'll just scribble a menu on the back of an envelope.  At the same time, I'm always on the lookout for tools to make meal planning simple for others - and for a way to share my meal plans without having to type them out, format them to make 'em pretty, save as a PDF, etc.  I've done that here and it was overwhelming.

I just discovered Plan to Eat and I'm in love. I'm still experimenting, but here are some crazy cool features:

  • I can use my own recipes
  • I can use recipes found anywhere on the web
  • I can drag and drop meals and ingredients quickly and easily
  • I can save menus to use again (like my 3 day diet)
  • I can tweak it to show 21 Day Fix containers
  • I can share my recipes and meal plans with other Plan to Eat members (still learning how)
  • It generates a shopping list
  • I can organize the shopping list according to the layout of my store
  • I can add other items to the shopping list that aren't on my menu (like toilet paper!)
  • It's fun to use

So I took a few minutes to craft this week's menu....

meal plan 11-30-15

Since I'm doing another round of the 21 Day Fix starting tomorrow, I want to track containers.  (They may not be perfect yet - I'm still working on tweaking the recipes with Fix containers.)

containers 11-30-15


I'm doing another round of the 21 Day Fix for the Beachbody End of Year Challenge.   Since I am very sedentary during the day other than my scheduled workouts, I plan to add 30 additional minutes at least 5 days this week.

Monday Total Body Cardio Fix
Tuesday Upper Fix
Wednesday Lower Fix
Thursday Pilates Fix
Friday Cardio Fix
Saturday Dirty 30
Sunday Yoga Fix

Goals for the Week

1. I will do all seven of the official Fix workouts, plus 30 additional minutes five days this week.

2. I will follow the container portion control system, within a container or two, for five days.  I know myself.   If I shoot for perfection I end up disappointed.  The 80/20 rule applies to health and fitness :)

3. I will spend 10-15 minutes reading or listening to personal development every day this week. I feel like I've lost a little of my wellness mojo.

Lessons Learned from Last Week

From Thanksgiving:  Don't tell myself "OK, I'll eat crap today only and then the desire will go away."  Uh, no.

If I don't log my food accurately and honestly, I am only hurting myself.

What's your plan?

You can use my plan as an example, or formulate your own.  Let's approach the week with enthusiasm and a positive attitude.  Good luck!

Beachbody Coach Jacqui Grimes at Weigh to Maintain