Top 10 Reasons to Run the Go Girl Run Half Marathon


go girl run half marathon weigh to maintain I am in celebration mode because I am training for my first half marathon since knee surgery two years ago.  This will be my 20th half marathon, but I wanted my first post-surgery race to be super fun.  If I could have designed an ideal race for me, a girly girl who loves to get sporty, it would be the Go Girl Run Half Marathon.

So here are my Top 10 reasons to run the Go Girl Run half marathon. 

1.  The Bling!

Super huge (6-inch!) finisher medal, a women’s cut cute t-shirt, and an etched wine glass.  ‘Nuff said!

2.  The Go Girl Run is for ALL women.

The Go Girl Run welcomes runners and walkers of all abilities.  Experienced runners and newbies – all are given the Diva treatment.

3.  Triple Crown Go Girl Run Sparkle Finisher's Jacket

Every runner has a drawer full of race t-shirts, but race jackets are like gold.  Not many races offer them for sale, and it’s even more rare to have one given to you.  The Go Girl Run series offers an opportunity for a free super cool jacket when you complete three of the four races.  Sign up with friends and you will have three fun girls’ weekends and then matching finisher’s jackets!

4.  The race is walker-friendly.

Lots of ladies are walking or walk/running half marathons, and some runs have very short cut-off times which automatically eliminates those from our race schedule.  The Go Girl Run has a generous cut-off of four hours (due to city regulations) but they specifically say that if you finish after that time the festivities will still be going on!  No stale bagels for you.  All finishers are deserving of a celebration, whether you beat the rest of us to the finish line, or if you walk with a group of girlfriends, stop to take selfies along the way, and enjoy yourself!

5.  If you run a half marathon you are a rock star.

How many women can say they’ve run 13.1??  You need an incredible amount of drive and ambition to train for and run a half marathon.  It is something to check off your bucket list, something to brag about, an accomplishment to be proud of.   No matter your finish time, you’re a winner!

6.  Shopping on site.

Yes, ladies, you can shop at the expo and on race day!  Get custom t-shirts, tanks, headbands and all kinds of cool running gear.

7.  Friendly and encouraging volunteers.

Volunteers are those amazing people who get up early on race morning to set up tents, put up mile markers, pour water into a zillion little cups at aid stations, point you in the right direction, stop traffic so you can tick off drivers as you run happily across the street, clap for you along the route and welcome you to the finish with a medal and a bottle of water.  Runners, please thank your volunteers – they are the unsung heroes of the Go Girl Run and ALL races.

8.  Lots of inspirational and amazing women.  (Like you.)

One of the cool things about racing is all the awesome running and walking women you meet.  Everyone has a unique story and it’s interesting and inspiring to hear the running journeys of women around you.  Make it a point to start a conversation with someone you don’t know.  Ask her how long she’s been running, what motivates her, what challenges she’s overcome in training.  Make a new friend.

9.  It's a celebration!

Festive and fun atmosphere.  Food.  Music.  Interesting people.   Just like a party!

10.  The Go Girl Run has an empowering mission statement.

The mission of the Go Girl Run series is to empower and support women and all their wonderful accomplishments.  Running or walking any distance, from 5k to Half Marathon, is an amazing accomplishment!  Runners (and walkers) discover just how strong, motivated and fierce they are when training for an endurance event.  Ladies, run or walk a race and discover your inner athlete.  She’s inside, just waiting to come out.

So there are my Top 10 reasons to run the Go Girl Run half marathon.  If you are running in Kansas City on September 28, 2014, click on the link below to register and use the coupon codes to save $$!

go girl run kansas city coupon codes


All about the Go Girl Run Series:

The Go Girl Series hosts four women’s only Half Marathon and 5k races in Springfield, Columbia , Kansas City,  and now Oklahoma City!  The series is meant to empower and support women and all their wonderful accomplishments.




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