6 Real Life Tips to Rock Your New Year's Resolutions

6 tips to rock your new year's resolutions


It's easy to make light of New Year's resolutions, (see these hysterical resolutions straight from Twitter) but the truth is that most of us vow we will make changes come New Year's Day.  January is a fresh, new start.


I totally got off track this winter and have some major damage control to do.  I know many of my friends and readers have fallen off the wagon too.  So here are my best tips for setting 2017 goals...


Real Life Tips For Setting New Year's Resolutions

1 - Approach your resolution from a place of self-love. 

If you've gotten off track in 2016, don't beat yourself up about it.  Know that you did the best you could under your own life's circumstances.  Learn from your mistakes, of course, but let the past stay in the past and move forward without guilt.  It's time to take good care of you.


2 - Be realistic.

No, you're not going to walk 10,000 steps every single day and yes, you probably will eat sugar in 2017.  Avoid dramatic resolutions that you know you won't keep.  Remember the last time you swore you would never "insert your own lofty goal here."  How did that work out??

3 - Make it fun.

This is where I tell you to break the rules.  Don't feel you have to conform to someone else's diet plan or exercise program exactly as written with no exceptions. You're a big girl.  Make your own rules for good health and reward yourself for following them.


4 - Write it down!

I can't tell you how many times I have made resolutions only to forget what they were a few weeks later.  Seriously.  I'm pretty sure I'm not alone, so write your resolution down and keep that sticky note or sheet of paper where you will see it daily.  You know the saying about "out of sight"....


5 - Break it down.

Whatever your New Year's resolution is, likely it will need to be broken down into mini steps or healthy habits.  Take weight loss.  "Losing 20 pounds" is not really actionable, right?   You have to break that big goal into actions such as: keep a food journal, exercise 5 times per week, drink 8 glasses of water, etc.  Start with just a few action steps at a time.


6 - Track your progress.

Every single day, track your action steps.  If drinking 8 glasses of water is daily goal then check off every single day you do it.  This is where the magic happens, ladies.  Keep a chart (and I'll link to some for you) and document your progress daily.  This way, as the weeks and months progress, you won't wonder if you are on track to reach your goal.  You can see at-a-glance how you are doing.  Lots of check marks?  You're awesome!  Blank space?  You need to tweak your plan.


Printables to help you set and achieve your New Year's resolution.


This year I highly encourage you to make a kind and loving health and fitness goal for yourself.  I'm working on mine too. :)


Want to share your goal?  Just comment below and let me know what your 2017 resolution is.  I'd love to cheer you on!
Beachbody Coach Jacqui Grimes at Weigh to Maintain