No Excuses November - Body Weight Circuit

If gaining strength and getting fit is one of your goals, don't let a lack of time or equipment stand in your way!
Here is a quick body weight circuit. If you're in a time crunch, just blast through the circuit once. If you have a bit more time then repeat it up to four times.
If you are unfamiliar with an exercise, just google it. I'll try to add links later, but I didn't want to let a lack of references get in the way of No Excuses November!
For women, and I am assuming that most of my readers are ladies, don't let the pull up on this list throw you.  For years it never occurred to me to even attempt a pull up.  Once I realized the benefits (working back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, etc.) I decided to pull up or die trying!  Well it took me probably four months before I could do my first pitiful chin up (with a little jump to get me started).  I still use a reverse grip (chin up grip) but now I can do many singles.  I still can't quite mange two in a row, but you still get all the benefits from singles.
An easy pull up variation is to do an inverted row.  This explanation is not stellar, but basically you lie on the floor underneath a STURDY and STABLE table or some object that WILL NOT MOVE.  I've used my kitchen table before or a bar on the playground.  You then assume the chin up reverse grip hold on the edge of the table and pull yourself up.  You can make the move more or less challenging by how far your legs are extended in front of you.  Closer in with knees bent is easier than legs fully extended.  Or you can substitute another upper body move for the pull up.

Here is a quick YouTube video showing an inverted row using a table...

Whether your goal is fitness or something entirely different, I hope you will use No Excuses November as a means to gain some momentum toward reaching YOUR goals!
FitnessJacqui GrimesComment