May Fitness and Exercise Printable Calendar



It's time for the May Fitness Calendar! 

How can it possibly be May??  Today we might have had a high temp of about 50 degrees.  It was cold and windy and just downright blech. 

Good news is that summer is coming soon!  Or, maybe, BAD news is summer is coming soon!

We have six weeks until the official start of summer, so if you've been lax on your workout schedule and a little too lenient with your healthy eating plan, NOW is the time to kick it in gear.

Personally I have a few winter hibernation pounds I'd like to get off before I hit the pool this season.  I'll use this printable calendar, as I always do, to track my workouts and keep myself motivated.  Want to join me?

Here is May's exercise and fitness planner all ready for download.  Just click here:  May 2014 Exercise & Fitness Calendar.

Would you prefer to have the entire 2014 Fitness Planner with 12 months of custom designed calendars, a weekly meal planner and diet and water tracker??  Just click HERE to sign up for weekly blog updates and download the entire planner - FREE!

Here's how to use the planner: 

1.  Set your goals.

  • What are your goals for the month?  Think realistic and achievable - you want to succeed!
  • What is your motivation?  An upcoming special event? Vacation?  To improve your overall health?
  • How will you reward yourself?  This is the fun part!  If you walk five times per week this month will you treat yourself to a massage?  If you eat six servings of fruits and veggies each day will you purchase a new pair of running shorts?  Celebrate your achievements.

2.  Plan your workouts.

  • Use the spaces on the calendar to plan your workouts in advance.  Some people are fitness free spirits, but most of us benefit from a little structure.  I like to what my workout will be before I change into my exercise gear!
  • Give yourself a gold star when the workout is completed.  Use actual stickers or just draw a star or a smiley face.  The point is to show mission accomplished.
  • Jot down little notes.  I like to note my energy level, rate my workout, and if I experience any unusual aches and pains. 

 3.  Keep your calendar in plain sight!
I can't emphasize this enough - make sure you see your calendar every single day.  Out of sight is literally out of mind.  I cannot tell you how many times I have made grand resolutions, wrote a well-thought-out plan and then somehow forgot all about it.  What??

If you are making the effort to set goals, please keep your goals and your motivation in front of you at all times.  See Keep Your Goals in Plain Sight for some ideas.

Download your May Fitness Calendar now,
and have a fabulously healthy May!

Be sure to share this calendar if you have friends who would like to set and achieve goals of their own this month.  And I would absolutely love your feedback on the calendar.  Is there anything else you would like to see?

Printables for Runners and Walkers:

If you are a runner and would like printables to track your race schedule and race results, please see:  Race Planning Calendar and Race Results Tracker.

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