Keep Your Goals in Plain Sight!

keep your goals in plain sight

Those of us who focus on our health and fitness often have goals we are working toward.  Actually EVERYONE should have goals in all areas of life, not just fitness.  However, there is one critical component to goal-setting that has been on my mind recently.  And here is my earth-shattering revelation:

Keep Your Goals in Plain Sight
These three things should be on YOUR list too!


What does this mean?  It means that your goal should be written down and visible.  Every single day.
I mentioned previously that I began an "epic" Beachbody challenge three weeks ago.  When I began the challenge I created 30 day goals and 60 day goals.  The closer I get to completing 30 days I realized I only remember part of my goal.  Huh?  How can I make smart decisions to move toward that goal when I can't even remember what it is?!
With my pitiful example of goal-setting in mind, I vow to look up my goal and post it in plain sight.  Here are some creative ways to post YOUR goals:
Gotta love the flexibility of colorful Post-It Notes!

Write your goal on a Post-It note and place it on your bathroom mirror.

Screenshot of goals for my phone.

Write your goal in a note app on your phone, take a screen shot, and make that image your home screen.  You'll be reminded of your goals every time you pick up your phone.

Post your goal on your Facebook page to be accountable to yourself and your friends.

Use one of the fun photo apps (or a photo program for a computer) to create a simple photo/word collage and either use that as your phone's lock screen, or print out and post somewhere you will see it daily.

My Vision Board - Needs to be Updated!

Make a vision board.  I've posted mine before but will include it here again.  This was from 2011 so it needs to be updated, but it will give you a general idea of how to create one.  Print the vision board and post in your exercise area.

    Make a traditional or digital scrapbook to track your goals.

Journal your goals and review daily.  This can be in a notebook or online.

Create or purchase a piece of jewelry that represent.s your goal(s).

I am sure there are many other ways to record and post your dreams and goals, but this is a good start.  I am off to grab a Post-It notepad to jot down my personal goal!

Smart Goals

Many people are familiar with the SMART method of goal-setting, so I won't go into a lot of detail here, but thought I would post a summary just in case it would be helpful.  The visual below explains each of the components.  Happy goal setting!