How to Make a Fitness Motivation Jar


bon jovi tour fitness jar 2 Do you ever have days when you are super motivated to workout?  Like the week before a beach vacation??

But what about all those other times?  When you're going to work, running the kids to their activities, shopping, cooking, cleaning house.  You know, trying to LIVE.

Sometimes it is tough to sneak in even a 30 minute workout.  A fitness jar might provide the motivation you need to push "play" on an exercise DVD, or propel you out of the house for a run.

What is a fitness motivation jar?

A fitness jar is simply a jar or box, decorated or plain, and you toss in money as a reward when you workout or follow your eating plan.

Amanda fitness jar weigh to maintian

Amanda, one of the amazing coaches on my team, shared this idea in one of my recent challenge groups, and it started a flurry of creative activity.

Here's how to make your fitness motivation jar:

1.  Grab a jar.

Use an old mason jar or a funky glass container.  Choose something you have around the house for simplicity or, if you want to rock an amazing jar, go shopping!

I bought my square sided jar at a craft store for about $9.

2.  Decorate it (optional).

One of my running friends, who has been using a fitness jar for years, chucks her dollar bills into a plain glass jar.

I am not motivated in the least by an old mayonnaise jar.  I need a jar that will INSPIRE me.

You can decorate your jar with motivational quotes (hand write or print from the computer), add before or after photos, magazine pictures, stickers - whatever inspires you.

My inspiration?  The Bon Jovi 2016 Tour.  This girl's gotta have VIP tickets.  So I went all out and printed some of my favorite Jon Bon Jovi pics, bought sparkly red letters, glitter music notes, rhinestone ribbon and tied on one of my VIP tour passes.

3.  Make your fitness jar rules.

Do you have trouble sticking with an exercise program?  Try throwing in a dollar for each workout.  Go hard core? Take $2 out each time you skip a scheduled workout.

hope fitness jar

Make the rules work for you and your unique situation.

Is food your kryptonite?

It's mine.  I can workout all day long, but I struggle with my eating.  So I earn a dollar for the fitness motivation jar each day I have no unplanned snacking at night.

Here are some eating related options:

  • Stick to your calorie level
  • Follow your eating plan (i.e, the 21 Day Fix)
  • Eat 5 servings of veggies
  • Go a day with no sugar
  • Zero grazing or snacking throughout the day
  • Drink 64 oz water

4.  Keep the fitness motivation jar in plain sight.

My Bon Jovi Tour Fund jar lives on my desk because:

  • I sit at my desk all day long and can't "accidentally forget" my jar.
  • I love looking at JBJ, what can I say.  So my fitness jar makes me smile and  is part of my office decor.
  • I'm often on the computer at night when I'm most tempted to snack or stray from my meal plan. My jar is a constant reminder of my goals.

Keep your jar somewhere you will see it every single day.

bon jovi fitness jar weigh to maintain

5.  Add a dollar (whatever reward you decide upon) when you meet your fitness jar rules.

After dinner I stick a dollar bill on my desk in front of the jar to remind me to behave myself around food.  I pop the dollar in at the end of the night once I've earned it.

6.  Treat yourself!

Best part!  When you fill your jar (or reach an amount that you decide upon) go shopping!  Buy a funky new tank top or workout gear, spring for a new pair of shoes, treat yourself to a massage - whatever floats your boat.

Me?  My food funds will be spent on concert tickets in 2016.


kelly fitness jar

Do you have a fitness motivation jar?  How has it worked for you?  Please share in the comments!

Beachbody Coach Jacqui Grimes at Weigh to Maintain