Beachbody Insanity Max:30 PiYo Hybrid Workout Calendar


Insanity Max:30 PiYo Hybrid Calendar Click to print the: Insanity Max:30 PiYo Hybrid

I'm starting week two of Insanity Max:30 and I'm actually a little shocked.  I honestly thought I wouldn't survive the workout, even modified.  (I've shared the story of my two bad knees many times, so suffice it to say my knees are a BIG ISSUE.)

Amazingly I can do this!  I modify about 80% of the moves and I've had no knee pain.

Insanity Max:30 works like this - you do daily 30 minute workouts Monday through Friday and then you get the weekend off.  The workouts are INTENSE.  I am not kidding, these are the hardest I've ever done.

They remind me of racing a 5k.  Not running a 5k, but RACING.  When you go all out from the starting gun and you can't catch your breath and you're pushing hard and it HURTS and you're fairly certain you're going to die.  Or throw up.  Or both.

Insanity Max:30 kicks my ass, pardon my French.  I love that feeling in some respects, but at the same time I have to acknowledge that my middle-aged mom body and crappy knees need a little extra attention. PiYo DEFINE YOURSELF

So I decided to create a hybrid schedule combining Insanity Max:30 and my favorite cross-training workout of all, PiYo.  PiYo gives me the flexibility and stretch and active recovery that my body craves.  The calendar I created is for me, but I'm sharing as a template for you as well.  You can read all the details of my theory behind combining the workouts this way on hybrid schedule:  Insanity Max:30 PiYo Hybrid

Beachbody puts their workouts schedules together in a logical way for a reason, BUT don't be a slave to the schedule.  If you are comfortable and familiar with two or more workouts, why not combine them?  So long as you have a nice balance of strength and cardio and stretching.

What do you think?  Is PiYo a good partner for Insanity Max:30?  Will you be creating your own hybrid calendar??

Beachbody Coach Jacqui Grimes at Weigh to Maintain