Approach Your Fitness Goals With Focus and a Plan

Right now I am buried in paperwork.  Almost literally.  I have piles and piles of papers in my office at work.  This is a “busy season” and it can be overwhelming at times.  The only way to tackle those papers is with FOCUS and a PLAN

Life certainly has many "busy seasons" and you may sometimes feel overwhelmed when trying to stick to your fitness routine.  Some days there too many people clamoring for our attention, too many “to do’s” on our list and a cluttered calendar filled with appointments and commitments.

 It is tempting on these hectic days to throw in the towel.

Grab a fast food meal here.  “Postpone” a workout there.  But the only person you are shortchanging is YOURSELF.

I’ve often told people that when I got finally serious about losing weight I had to be somewhat of a b*tch.  Not that I was rude to anyone or demanding of others, but sometimes I had to put myself and my plan FIRST.

 It's not selfish to be focused on your goals when your health is at stake.

When you are fit and energetic, you are better able to care for those around you. If you're a parent, your good example will be noticed and imitated by your children.

I approach my health and fitness just like I do those pesky papers at the office -- with focus and a plan.  I hope YOU have a plan for your healthy life journey and the determination to see it through.

Don't let a hectic and chaotic life be an excuse to be stagnant. Carve out time for grocery shopping and meal planning. Treat your workout times with the same respect you would any other appointment on your calendar. Ask for help if needed and don't apologize for taking care of yourself.

YOU are worth it.

photo credit: bourgeoisbee via photopin cc