P90 Review: Tony Horton’s New Beachbody Workout Program
P90 Workout Review
Want to get back in shape but don’t know where to begin? Want to exercise but don’t have the money (or desire) to join a gym? Want to get fit but don’t have the time?
If so, Beachbody is targeting YOU with their newest workout program – P90.
Updated December 26, 2014: Now that I've had a chance to work with P90 for several weeks, I am updating this review. New info, thoughts and insights are in this funky blue color.
P90 will be released on September 23, but I have the scoop on some of the details. I’ve watched sneak peek videos of the workouts, listened to interviews with its creator, Tony Horton, and have seen impressive “before and after” transformations already.
I’ll be sure to update with further thoughts once I get my hot little hands on the DVD’s and start testing them out myself. In the meantime, let’s take a peek the P90 program, what it claims to do, and if it can live up to those claims.
Bonus for my clients: Purchase P90 from my Beachbody store and you will receive my P90 Workout Planner totally free! The P90 Planner was designed by me and you won’t find it anywhere else. Click HERE to get all the details.
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What is P90?
Beachbody claims P90 is a gateway to getting fit, regardless of age or fitness level. Beachbody makes the bold claim that P90 is a fitness program designed for “EVERYONE” – and I’m using their words. I’m a little skeptical of such a sweeping claim and I’ll bet you may have your doubts too. Is it possible that anyone can do P90?
Everyone can do P90 workouts if:
Workouts are simple to follow
Low impact and joint-friendly modifications are shown for every move
Instruction is given for those new to fitness or getting back in shape
YOU do the workout according to what your body can handle. That means be smart and listen to your body.
Hardcore workouts aren't for everybody.
Maybe you don’t want to become a bikini model, body builder or professional athlete. What if you just want to lose a few pounds? Or tone up a bit? Maybe you just want to get out of bed in the morning without a backache. As Tony says, "We don't kick your butt right out of the box. We ease you into it."
For simple goals you need a plan that is straightforward. Fundamental. Doable.
That's why Tony Horton created the new P90 workout.
p90 review weigh to maintain
P90 will help you change your body in as little as 25 minutes a day.
Here's the key . . . In as little as 25 minutes a day, P90 will transform your body—not by working you harder—but by keeping it simple. Simple cardio. Simple resistance training. A simple approach to portion control.
"You're going to see changes right away," claims Tony Horton, "because it's DOABLE."
P90 has 3 distinct phases to move you through the program in a calculated and simple manner.
Each 30 day period of your 90 day fitness journey is a distinct phase: A, B and C. Each phase has resistance (strength) workouts and cardio workouts that have been carefully designed to move you through the program. As Beachbody CEO, Carl Daikeler said: "You're creating the building blocks to a leaner, healthier you."
The first thirty days, Phase A, is a great introduction or re-introduction back into fitness. All exercises are explained thoroughly and demonstrated in the original and modified version. If you're new to working out (or if you have any knee or joint issues, or if you are very overweight), you may need to follow the modifier, but if you're in decent shape you can probably jump right in and follow Tony.
You WILL do push-ups in P90, but not insane amounts like in P90X. And I love that you start doing push-ups on your toes from the get-go. But rather than a full push-up, you just do a half push-up. I think this is an easier transition to a full push-up than starting on your knees.
If you are in pretty good shape you might want to try each workout in Phase A and, if it's too easy, move right to Phase B. top
What results will YOU get with P90?
1. P90 will help you lose weight.
Weight loss boils down to burning more calories than you are taking in. You can eat Ho Ho’s and McDonald’s all day long, but if you eat 1600 calories of junk food and burn 2000 calories consistently, you will lose weight. This is an extreme example, but I always like to point out that although your diet quality matters, in the end it boils down to calories in versus calories out.
P90 will help you lose weight by burning calories.
Each workout burns calories
You will build muscle by strength training and the more muscle you carry, the more calories you will burn, even while at rest
P90 will help you lose weight when you follow its healthy eating plan.
Beachbody always provides an eating plan with its programs (rumor has it the P90 plan is based on portion control and I will update once I see the program materials)
The P90 plan (as all Beachbody meal plans) will be based on wholesome, unprocessed, nutritious foods
Following the eating plan will give you the correct balance of protein, carbs and fats you need for energy, while also reducing your calories.
2. P90 will help you increase strength.
P90 has cardio workouts as well as strength-focused workouts. Your body will become stronger.
3. P90 will help create the habit of daily exercise.
I strongly believe that the little actions we take on a daily basis – our HABITS – are what lead us to long term success. By following the P90 workout plan you become accustomed to daily workouts. Becoming an active person, whether you rock a P90 workout, go for a walk, dance, or lift weights, will help you stay fit and healthy for a lifetime.
4. P90 will help you look hot.
Oops, I almost forgot this very critical perk! Let’s face it, some of us exercise to look good. We know we need a strong heart (cardio) and strong muscles (strength), but we also want to rock our skinny jeans or a slinky black dress. Guys want to look awesome too.
You’ll look great by losing fat.
The combination of healthy eating and working out will cause the fat to say “bye bye” and you will lean out. Love handles will disappear, tummies will flatten, and your arms won’t be waving “hello” long after you’ve stopped moving.
You’ll look great by building muscle.
Guys know they look better with defined muscles. But ladies? Don’t be scared of muscle! We need it too!
Why you need to build muscle:
Muscles make you strong. Why be strong? To pick up your grocery bags and toss them in your shopping cart. To pick up a child or grandchild. Hell, to carry your purse if you like to load it up like some women I know! Strength is essential for normal, daily activities.
Strong muscles are needed for day-to-day functioning. Ever (gasp) get up off the couch? You are using your thigh and glute muscles to return your body safely to an upright position. Every single action you take on a daily basis uses muscles – and those movements are easier (and pain-free) when you have strong muscles.
Muscle looks good. Think of toned arms in a tank top – they look more appealing than stick-skinny arms.
Muscle burns more calories all day long – even while you’re sitting on the couch.
Women will not bulk up. I swear to you, you will not look like a female body builder!
You’ll look great because you will carry yourself with confidence.
Athletes have great posture, not only because they are strong and fit, but because they have a sense of confidence. You will be training like an athlete and will soon discover your inner athlete, if you haven’t already. Knowing you committed to a workout program, are eating healthy and making good choices each day will give YOU confidence and a sense of pride in yourself.
P90 Review by Weigh to Maintain
Sometimes I sound like a broken record, but whether you decide to try P90, or PiYo, or any fitness programs, please do not be afraid to tailor it to fit your unique personality and your lifestyle.
I’d recommend doing the DVD’s in the order listed in the calendar – until you master the moves and are comfortable with the workouts. Then feel free to switch them up. If you’re not feeling motivated to follow the plan exactly and prefer to ride your bike, go for a walk or swim instead – do so without guilt!
Just try to break a sweat 5 to 6 days per week, eat healthy, delicious foods to nourish your body, and believe in yourself. You can reverse unhealthy behaviors, you can lose weight, you can regain strength, and you CAN transform your body.
Modify if necessary.
P90 is geared to those new to fitness and those getting back into shape. It’s great for those of us “of a certain age” who sometimes have creaky bones and joints. Do not be afraid to modify! If a move causes discomfort – STOP! Make your range of motion smaller, don’t lunge as deeply or mimic the movement as closely as you can while still feeling comfortable.
Modifications are the way to learn movements while staying injury-free. You may eventually do the movement just like Tony, or maybe not. Listen to your body. Ignore “no pain no gain” or “it’s all mental.” Those mottos are a prescription for disaster.
All about the P90 nutrition plan.
The official P90 eating plan, called the Simple Kitchen Nutrition Guide, is similar to other Beachbody nutrition programs, in that you calculate your daily calorie level and then learn eat a wide variety of healthy, wholesome foods. Things like proteins, veggies, fruits, carbs, healthy fats, and nuts & seeds. What is different about the Simple Kitchen meal plan is that rather than creating your own menu, you choose from a list of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack recipes. You're getting the same healthy variety, but choosing recipes really simplifies the meal planning process.
However, if you have very specific tastes then following the plan is a little limiting, and I don't think it's very realistic to follow someone else's meals for three months. If you need a good, well-balanced meal plan, try the PiYo meal plan. You can read all about it HERE.
There is also a "6 Day Shred" program which is an optional weight loss kickstart. It is six days of meals, gradually reducing calories from 1200 a day to 800. Obviously it's only mean to be followed for the six days because the calories are way too low. The nice thing about this 6 Day Shred plan is that the meals are all simple, and there is a complete shopping list included. This would be a nice mini diet to follow to get back on track after the holidays or a vacation.
Whether you follow the Simple Kitchen meal plan or do your own thing, please don’t become legalistic about the diet. Tony certainly isn’t …
tony horton quote weigh to maintain
So strive to choose good, wholesome foods MOST of the time, and enjoy the heck out of any treats. Life is too short for rigid diet plans. That is my philosophy. top
P90 Base Kit Contents
What’s included?
P90 Base Kit
The base kit will be the 10 DVD's in the photo above, plus the Simple Kitchen Nutrition Guide, 4-Step Power Plan and the "How to Hit It" Tutorial. Free gifts with purchase include resistance bands, 6-Day Shred, 90 Day Workout Calendar and 24/7 Online Support through Team Beachbody.
P90 Deluxe Kit
You'll receive everything in the base kit, PLUS five additional workouts: Speed Sculpt, Speed Sweat, Speed Abs and Horton's Greatest Hits. You'll also receive two additional resistance bands and a yoga mat.
Best Value - P90 Challenge Pack
The P90 Challenge Pack is the base kit PLUS a 30-day supply of Shakeology in your choice of flavor, and a 30-day trial membership to the Team Beachbody Club. The challenge pack is essentially everything you need to start your transformation -- fitness AND nutrition -- all in one box. For a short time the P90 Challenge Pack is only $160 (regularly $180). That's like buying your Shakeology and getting the entire workout program for only $30.
How to Purchase
Just pop over to my Beachbody Store to order your P90. Receive a FREE P90 Workout Planner to set goals, track your food and workouts, and view your progress when you purchase P90 from me. The planner will automatically be emailed to all of my clients, so make sure I (Jacqui Grimes) am listed as your coach when you make a purchase. Click HERE for all the details!
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Beachbody offers a 30 day money back guarantee. You will love P90 and get results, or you can send it back for a refund. I personally love money back guarantees, although I rarely have had to “cash one in.” When I buy a product with a guarantee, and I think there is a chance I won’t love it, I make a note on my calendar about a week in advance of the “due date.” At that point I remember to evaluate – was this a great purchase? Am I happy? Do I want to send it back or keep it? I advise you do the same. top
Take a sneak peek at P90...
My Final Verdict?
P90 is doable for almost anyone, even super busy people like you and me! I like the idea of shorter (25 to 45) minute workouts and a focus on strength training. I like that the program is simple and that it is geared to most people – with modifications. Personally I think the program is directed to newbies and those returning to fitness. Or people who just want a simple “get ‘er done” exercise plan.
I have been experimenting with P90 for several weeks and I really enjoy the Sculpt (weight training) workouts. The Sweat (or cardio) workouts are very basic, but I personally prefer doing other things for cardio like Les Mills Combat, TurboFire or Insanity Max:30. I will continue to incorporate P90 Sculpt workouts in my rotation.
Want to learn more? Bookmark this page and come on back once I’ve had a chance to test out P90 or PIN this post for easy reference. Be sure to share with your fitness-minded friends!